Commercial & Industrial Sites
ALTA / NSPS Surveys
Commercial & Industrial Sites
Surveys of commercial or industrial properties differ from residential or raw land in that the improvements and their location on the property are usually a critical component needed by the client. Often other “unseen” but needed features are very important and must be depicted as well, such as setbacks, easements, and other title exceptions or encumbrances. The need for such surveys can vary from refinancing, purchase or sale of the property, to demonstrate compliance, or for planning future construction. Chastain & Associates, P.C. has extensive experience surveying complex sites throughout our five state service area. Lenders, investors, and title examiners have grown to appreciate our attention to detail and client needs, which has helped our footprint continually grow over the years. From a sewer easement through a wooded area to a roof top cellular lease tract on a downtown skyscraper, it is safe to say that we’ve seen almost every situation imaginable.
In case of developed properties, the need for a survey is usually directly connected to certain requirements that will vary with each property or transaction. Some surveys are only required to meet minimum state requirements for property surveys. Others may have requirements unique to a certain lender, government agency, or title underwriter. Knowing these requirements up-front will prevent delays and contain costs for your survey project.
Surveys made for engineering and construction are similar but usually require additional data, such as topography, tree surveys, utility locations, wetland delineation, and even off-site survey areas for access or utility extensions. In these situations, it is important that the surveyor be made aware of the particular needs and expectations of the site design professional.
See a Comparison Between a State Standards Boundary Survey and an ALTA / NSPS Survey

ALTA / NSPS Surveys
Many surveys of commercial or industrial properties are required to comply with standards issued by the American Land Title Association and the National Society of Professional Surveyors, commonly known as ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, or simply “an ALTA”. Recognizing a wildly varying landscape of survey standards nationwide, the ALTA was established in 1962 through the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (“ACSM”, now NSPS). A uniform standard of survey requirements that would meet the stringent needs of lenders and title insurers nationwide was developed. An ALTA survey differs from a typical boundary survey in several ways. The most notable differences include the surveyor reviewing and commenting on a title commitment or title opinion, adding the industry “gold standard” ALTA/NSPS certification, and a higher level of precision measurements. ALTA surveys also have the option of including additional components through Table A, as may be required by lenders or circumstance.