Large Acreage and
Timber Tract Surveys
Large Acreage and Timber Tract Surveys
One of our specialties at Chastain & Associates, P.C. is the ability to provide accurate and timely surveys of large tracts of land. Besides the standard level of care and attention to detail that is required of any survey, large tracts require careful logistical project management and a lot of manpower.
Using a system of project management refined over the last 30+ years, we usually divide the boundary perimeter of a large tract into several segments ranging from a few thousand feet to a few miles. Segments will then be assigned to different crews for timely over all completion. We’ve had as many as 6 field crews working on a large tract at the same time. The completion of each segment is planned in regard to access points, areas of particular ease or difficulty, and each day is planned to maximize logistical efficiency. High precision GPS postions are placed at the ends of each segment and sometimes along the segment where sufficient horizon view allows for high precision GPS observations. These precise positions minimize positional error and insure high accuracy of the measurements along the tract boundary.
Our experience in large tracts ranges from several hundred acres to a few thousand acres. Projects have included timber tracts, mining tracts, landfills, and private holdings. Large tract governmental clients include United States Forest Service, Georgia Department of Natural Resources (State Parks division), Dalton Utilities, and the Trust for Public Land. Private large tract clients include Forestar USA (successor to Georgia Kraft Timber and Temple-Inland), Turnstone Group, Holly Rock Farm, Ornstein-Shuler, Resource Land Group, and Woodland Capital.
See a Comparison of What Is and Is Not Included in a Boundary Survey
Understanding Surveys